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Attorney General Merrick Garland To Announce Major National Security Investigations

Attorney General Merrick Garland to Announce Major National Security Investigations

Garland and Other Top Justice Department Officials to Host Press Conference

Washington, D.C. -- Attorney General Merrick Garland and other senior Justice Department officials will hold a press conference later today to announce significant national security investigations involving foreign interference.

The conference is expected to focus on ongoing probes into foreign threats to U.S. elections and other critical infrastructure. Garland and his colleagues will provide updates on the investigations and discuss the department's efforts to protect the nation from foreign influence.

This announcement comes amid heightened concerns about foreign interference in U.S. politics. In recent years, intelligence agencies have warned of attempts by Russia, China, and other countries to influence the outcomes of elections and sow discord within the American public.

The Justice Department's investigations are part of a broader effort to counter foreign interference and protect the integrity of U.S. democracy. The department has already charged several individuals with violating campaign finance laws related to foreign influence, and it is expected to announce further indictments in the coming months.

The press conference is scheduled to begin at 1:00 PM EST. It will be streamed live on the Justice Department's website and will be available for later viewing on YouTube.
